Callao City Lights
Creative Direction
Graphic Development
Motion Graphics
Video Edit
Callao City Lights is the Spanish pioneer and leader in spectacular LED displays and dominates Plaza del Callao since 2011. The screens are located on the façades of two culturally iconic buildings from the early 20th century: the Callao Cinemas and the Palacio de la Prensa. They can be seen from all locations in the emblematic area, one of the main tourist destinations in the city of Madrid and throughout Spain, and can be controlled either independently, together, or any combination in between.
The company entrusted us with the creative direction of the entire big screen experience, the production of all the company’s brand videos and all the idents for the digital screens. Broadcast design and motion graphics were central to the work. We started by creating the Callao City Lights brand launch video and a set of on-air IDs for the displays that feel structured yet eclectic, with the idea that viewers get something new and entertaining each time they look at the screens.
The creation of the idents was an exciting ongoing task. The ever-changing theme was linked to events associated with the time of year and the city’s sports and cultural agenda, which pushed us to constantly explore new creative ways and really do our best to make something fresh and punchy, yet elegant.
We were given complete creative freedom and the different techniques and aesthetics used throughout our five-year collaboration can be seen when browsing through the idents and videos.